Progress on 2015 Accreditation Recommendations: 09-10-15-九州体育平台入口
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Publish Date: 09-10-15

Accreditation Progress Report


Progress/Next Steps

College Recommendation 1
  • Complete the implementation and regularly assess and review SLOs
  • Demonstrate the use of assessment results to make improvements to courses and programs
  • Demonstrate the use of student learning assessment results in college-wide planning
  • Demonstrate that resource decisions are based on student learning assessment results
  • Develop and implement a process to ensure that SLOs are on all course syllabi
  • We have completed 97% of course assessment cycles and 98% for programs
  • Broad dialogue about assessment results is underway. Two sessions were held on
  • Opening Day and results are now being shared in committees.
  • A process for verifying that SLOs are included on all syllabi was developed and piloted during Summer Session. Tracking of all syllabi for Fall semester has begun.
Next Steps
  • Campus-wide broad dialogue, planning, and resource allocation that will continue and be documented
  • VPs, Deans, and Chairs will ensure that SLOs are on syllabi
College Recommendation 2
  • Update the Distance Education plan
  • Include student support, library, and learning support services
  • A DE Coordinator has been selected
  • A draft plan is being shared with the campus for feedback.
Next Steps
  • Finalize plan by Dec 2015


Progress/Next Steps

College Recommendation 3
  • Establish a policy to address when programs are eliminated or significantly changed and ensure the process does not negatively impact students
College Recommendation 4
  • Publish the College Catalog in a timely manner and with a high level of accuracy
  • Staffing changes have been made
  • The digital catalog project is underway
  • Clean up of errors has been completed
Next Steps
  • Implement full use of the digital catalog

Areas to Improve

Progress/Next Steps

College Recommendation 5
  • Gain Board approval of the mission statement before use and publication
College Recommendation 6
  • Complete performance evaluations in a timely manner across all employee groups
  • Working with HR to develop accurate lists and due dates management and faculty evaluations due this fall.
Next Steps
  • Complete all scheduled evaluations