Progress on 2015 Accreditation Recommendations: 05-12-16-九州体育平台入口
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Publish Date: 05-12-16

The Follow-Up Report was sent to ACCJC in March. On April 13th, we welcomed a follow-up team charged with affirming the progress we’ve made toward addressing the deficiencies cited by ACCJC in 2015. Dr. Barry Russell (President, Las Positas), Dr. Judy Kasabian (mathematics faculty, El Camino College), and Dr. Robert Livingston (business faculty, Cerritos College) met with instructional deans and their administrative assistants, the President’s cabinet, and the Academic Senate Executive Committee to discuss the strides we have made in outcomes assessments, the college catalog, the distance education plan, and the program discontinuance policy.

The team was particularly impressed with our SLO Cloud and our beautiful new buildings. The Commission will meet in June and will send the results of their assessment to the CHC President shortly thereafter.